Meet The Team

Professor Hugh Possingham, FAA
Queensland Government / The University of Queensland

Jennifer McGowan, PhD
Chief Scientist of Untamed Planet

Jorge Alvarez-Romero
The Nature Conservancy

Fernanda Thiesen Brum
The Nature Conservancy

Brooke Williams
University of Queensland

Diego Juffe Bignoli
Freelance Biodiversity Expert/DICE, University of Kent
Matthew E. Watts
University of New England

Norma Serra Sogas

Kate Longley-Wood
The Nature Conservancy
The Marxan Advisory committee
Earth’s surface is finite, meaning that every decision we make about lands and waters must be made as effectively as possible. Under emerging international and domestic climate and biodiversity commitments, nations must build marine, freshwater, and terrestrial conservation plans. This requires balancing biodiversity conservation with the growing demands for energy, infrastructure, food and economic recovery. To ensure Marxan is ready to assist these needs now and in the future, we are proud to announce the Marxan Advisory Committee. Our advisors are world leaders in conservation planning theory, practice and achieving conservation outcomes on the ground. Their research and commitment to biodiversity conservation strongly represent Marxan’s core values and principles of free, open, fair and equitable access to decision-support tools.

Associate Professor Maria Beger
University of Leeds, United Kingdom

Professor Bob Smith
University of Kent, United Kingdom

Dr Eddie Game
The Nature Conservancy, United States/Australia

Dr Hedley Grantham
Wildlife Conservation Society, United States/Australia

Professor Mandy Lombard
Nelson Mandela University, South Africa

Professor Peter Arcese
University British Columbia, Canada

Professor Oscar Venter
University of Northern British Columbia, Canada

Professor Carlo Rondinini
Sapienza University, Italy

Dr Renato Crouzeilles
International Institute for Sustainability, Brazil/Australia

Dr Piero Visconti
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria

Dr Jeff Ardron
Oceans and Natural Resources

Dr Lera Miles
UN Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre